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Sun Tzu wrote in "The Art of War",

 “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”.  His philosophy was winning through planning ahead of time. The same applies to safety, and even though you have taken the time to plan ahead by creating your health & safety program, what's your test to ensure its functioning properly? Will you wait for an accident to show you where you need to improve? Will a regulator with the potential for a $1.5 million prosecution be your acid test? That's where we come in. Let us find out how well your systems are functioning, so you can win before you go to war...

We believe every worker has the right to a safe working environment and to return home safely to their family at the end of the day. We believe the employer has the right to a well organized, competent and productive workforce. Our conviction is that these two beliefs are not at odds, but rather with a progressive, new perspective, safety and production are integral parts of each other.

The impact of one accident at a workplace can be devastating to the individuals involved, their families, their co-workers, the morale of the workplace and costs the company and the workers time and money. Our vision is to ensure that the policies, procedures, programs and training that you have in place are tested and adequate to ensure that you, your business & workers are protected from the devastation of workplace accidents, and potential prosecution.

  • Complete Workplace Inspections

  • Health & Safety Program Auditing

  • Training Program Auditing

  • ​Job Observations

  • Accident/Incident Investigations​

  • Electrical/Mechanical Inspections​

  • ​Liaison with Regulatory Bodies

  • ​Ensure Compliance with OHS

  • 3rd Party Harassment Investigations​

  • ​Supervisor & Employee Coaching

  • Legal Counselling

  • Legal Representation

Anchor 1

Health & Safety



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